Time in Sri Lanka
What is the Time in Sri Lanka?
The current time in Sri Lanka is , which is 5 hours and 30 minutes ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC+5:30). This means that when it's midnight (00:00) in Coordinated Universal Time, it's 5:30 am in Sri Lanka. To make things easier, Sri Lanka does not observe Daylight Saving Time. This means that the time in Sri Lanka is the same throughout the year, and there is no need to adjust the clocks forward or backward.Sri Lanka Timezone
Name | Timezone |
Sri Lanka | GMT+5:30 |
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Sri Lanka Standard Time (SLST)
Sri Lanka Standard Time is the time zone for Sri Lanka. It is 5 hours and 30 minutes ahead of GMT/UTC. On 15 April 2006, Sri Lanka Time reverted to match Indian Standard Time calculated from the Allahabad Observatory in India 82.5 ° longitude East of Greenwich, the reference point for GMT. There is no daylight saving time adjustment in Sri Lanka Standard Time, so SLST does not change throughout the year. Because of daylight saving time, Sri Lanka Standard Time remains unchanged throughout the year, unlike some time zones that move forward one hour each summer and backward one hour during the winter. Read More Info About SLST on Wiki.
Sri Lanka time format (12h/24h)
In Sri Lanka, as in many other countries, time is generally expressed in a 24-hour format. However, for those who are more familiar with the 12-hour format, it's essential to know how to convert the 24-hour format to the 12-hour format.
To convert the 24-hour time in Sri Lanka to 12-hour format, follow these steps:
- If the time is between 00:00 and 12:00, simply add "am" at the end. For example, 06:30 becomes 6:30 am.
- If the time is between 12:00 and 24:00, subtract 12 from the hours and add "pm" at the end. For example, 18:30 becomes 6:30 pm.
24–hour clock | 12-hour clock |
01:00 | 01:00 AM |
02:00 | 02:00 AM |
03:00 | 03:00 AM |
04:00 | 04:00 AM |
05:00 | 05:00 AM |
06:00 | 06:00 AM |
07:00 | 07:00 AM |
08:00 | 08:00 AM |
09:00 | 09:00 AM |
10:00 | 10:00 AM |
11:00 | 11:00 AM |
12:00 | 12:00 AM |
13:00 | 01:00 PM |
14:00 | 02:00 PM |
15:00 | 03:00 PM |
16:00 | 04:00 PM |
17:00 | 05:00 PM |
18:00 | 06:00 PM |
19:00 | 07:00 PM |
20:00 | 08:00 PM |
21:00 | 09:00 PM |
22:00 | 10:00 PM |
23:00 | 11:00 PM |
24:00 | 12:00 PM |

Sri Lanka Time Now
Sri Lanka is a beautiful island country located in South Asia, known for its stunning landscapes, rich history, and vibrant culture. It's also home to a population of over 21 million people, all of whom need to know the time in Sri Lanka for various reasons. Whether you're a resident, a traveler, or a business owner, having the correct time in Sri Lanka is essential. In this article, we'll explore the current time in Sri Lanka, including what time it is now and how to convert it to a 12-hour format.
If you're wondering what the time in Sri Lanka is right now, you can easily find out by checking your smartphone, computer, or other internet-connected devices. These devices automatically adjust the time based on your location, so you can get the correct time in Sri Lanka without having to make any manual adjustments.
Alternatively, you can also search for "time in Sri Lanka" on popular search engines like Google, and it will display the current time in Sri Lanka.
In conclusion, the current time in Sri Lanka is Sri Lanka Standard Time (SLST), which is 5 hours and 30 minutes ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC+5:30). This means that when it's midnight (00:00) in Coordinated Universal Time, it's 5:30 am in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka does not observe Daylight Saving Time, so the time in Sri Lanka is the same throughout the year.
To find out the time in Sri Lanka now, you can check your internet-connected devices or search for "time in Sri Lanka" on popular search engines. For those who are more familiar with the 12-hour format, it's essential to know how to convert the 24-hour format to 12-hour format.
Knowing the correct time in Sri Lanka is crucial for everyday life, especially for travelers and business owners who need to coordinate their schedules. By understanding the time in Sri Lanka, you can ensure that you're always on time and avoid any confusion or misunderstandings.
If you want to check the current time in Sri Lanka then you have to visit this website - SriLankati.me on This website you can check Sri Lanka Time in 12h or 24h format with Seconds.
There are only 1 time zones in Sri Lanka.
If you want to check the current time in Sri Lanka with Seconds then go to - SriLankati.me
Looking for Sri Lanka time right now it's simple to go SriLankati.me and check the current time in Sri Lanka.
If you want to check the current Sri Lanka time in 12-hour format then go to - SriLankati.me